Read real articles from Spanish speaking countries and become fluent like a native. We prepare each article and add vocubulary translations and help you understand the articles.
We prepare articles in a way that intermediate speakers can understand them. page91 is the next step in your language learning journey when you already know Spanish.
From personal experience, we from page91 know that there are tons of apps to start learning a language. However, when searching for an app which helps intermediates to get to an advanced level, the options shrink drastically. page91 is the new option for you to make your final steps!
Find real Spanish articles from various newspapers and categories. Regularly updated!
Our articles cover various categories. We are sure that you will also find articles you like!
We extend our article selection regularly. Promised!
All articles contain translations of selected hard vocabulary. Save them with one click and repeat your vocabulary list.
Did you know? You don't have to repeat every single word - with our intelligent algorithm, you only repeat the words you almost forgot!
Once started online you can use the app offline!
Lisa, Volunteer
Thomas, CTO
page91 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) i.G., Elsa-Brandström-Weg 8, 14089 Berlin, Deutschland